Appendix A: Procedure 01: Initial Steps



Ask nurse about residentu2019s needs, abilities and limitations, if necessary and gather necessary supplies.

Knock and identify yourself before entering the residentu2019s room. Wait for permission to enter the residentu2019s room.

Greet resident by name per resident preference.

Identify yourself by name and title.

Explain what you will be doing; encourage resident to help as able.

Gather supplies and check equipment.

Close curtains, drapes and doors. Keep resident covered, expose only area of residentu2019s body necessary to complete procedure.

Wash your hands.

Wear gloves as indicated by Standard Precautions.

Use proper body mechanics. Raise bed to appropriate height and lower side rails (if raised).


Prepares you to provide best possible care to resident.u00a0

u00a0Maintains residentu2019s right to privacy.

Shows respect for resident.

Resident has right to know identity and qualifications of their caregiver.

Promotes understanding and independence.

Organizes work and provides for safety.

Maintains residentu2019s right to privacy and dignity.

Provides for Infection Control.

Protects you from contamination by bodily fluids.

Protects yourself and the resident from injury.